Sunday, 25 April 2010
Saturday, 17 April 2010
I enjoy the fresh air. Its good for the lungs.
Anyway on a more happier note. I enjoyed the geography trip to Dorset. It was such a typical geography trip: A bunch of us in a minibus, stopping at random places, all needing the loo, then piling back in and driving somewhere else. The view at the top at Durdle Door is so beautiful! I just wanted to strip and run into the sea. Me and my Marc wellies went for a paddle but a huge wave came and I got drenched feet. Totally worth it though!
Photos courtsey of a great friend Mishalle (In the white top)

I love this photo. There were bucket and spades hanging on the tree. (I dont think you can see them in this photo). It was such a sweet village with a few shops and sold the yummyist ice-cream ever!
Im currently working on the finishing touches of my textiles coursework so when its done I shall post some pictures.
Have a great day!
Monday, 12 April 2010
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Happy Sunday
We stopped off at a Car Boot and found this little beauty:
I think the chain is for a pocket watch to be attached too.
After seeing viewing Nookie blogpage I saw that she had made a profile on one of them ask-me-anything sites thing and thought i'd make a profile too. So ask me anything on formspring me!
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Military with a twist?

Wednesday, 7 April 2010
London Calling
1. Marc Jacobs Wellies!
From one of my favourite shops! There was whole rainbow of colours to choose from but i like the blue. The lighter blue matches a Hollister t-shirt i brought to wear on a geography trip next week. I love wellies! Who could have even thought that something so practical could be also designer and with a price tag of only £14!
2. John Galliano and Dior ribbons
To Promote the new fragrances flawless and slighty intimidating perfume assistants hand out nice pink ribbons smelling of the lovely perfume. Does it help me decide to buy the perfumes? No but keeps my designer ribbon collection growing.
In the basement of Selfridges there is a pop-up work studio where Andrea Blood and Zoe Sinclair and their team are producing three magazine issues of "The paper eaters" . Its so fun in there; what with a dance floor area, random dolls, bright colours and walls covered in their photography work. There is also a "cut-out doll" area where you hang paper dresses/outfits and have your photo taken. Remember them paper doll books?